“I started to dream of being part of a place where these things were true, where meaning, purpose and development created transformative change for both the business and the people. A place where I wasn’t just being used to get results and where I was contributing to something bigger that made a difference for everyone. I sensed—I knew—that it was possible.” ~ Bryan Ungard
Development In Service of Life
A book review, Carol Sanford, The Regenerative Business I’ve been a leader in a Developmental Learning Organization for more than a decade and...
Living Between Safety and Damage.
Self-development is never safe, but it shouldn’t harm either. Yes, it’s a painful process full of hurt, anxiety, and uncertainty, but it is also...
Creating Places for People to Develop
What does it mean to create places for people to develop? It starts with the acknowledgement that you cannot develop another person. Perhaps you can...
Organizational transformations are like a plane taking off: each takeoff is an act of faith and commitment.
It is an act of faith that the laws of physics still work — that the air flowing over the wings will lift us; that the plane is airworthy; that the...
Operationalizing Love: Building loving organizations
Work is love made visible — Kahlil Gibran Nothing becomes real unless you practice it — Thich Nhat Hahn I’m told that the American psychiatrist...
How does a Deliberately Developmental Organization (DDO) manage performance?
Building an organization that is committed to the growth and development of its people raises the questions of how to manage performance,...
Deliberately Developmental Organizations — Unlocking the potential of people, organizations, and systems.
This is an introduction to Deliberately Developmental Organizations and an outline of their foundational premises. I want to sketch a map of the...
Why have an Aikido dojo at work?
If your business is centered in human development (like a DDO for example), it might be the perfect choice. The way we normally think about...
Articles and Books Featuring Bryan
Changing the Story Changes Everything: A New Paradigm for 21st Century prosperity by Betsy Sheppard – Part 1 and Part 2
Operation Love by Corey Blake, CEO Round Table Companies in Business Story Telling (May 2016)
An Everyone Culture: becoming a Deliberately Developmental Organization by Robert Kegan, Lisa Laskow Lahey (March 2016)
Making Business Personal by Robert Kegan, Lisa Lahey, Andy Fleming, and Matthew Miller (April 2014)